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This is how you can get to know my hometown from my point of view.

Introduction of Tanah Merah.


This is the introduction of my university. The Logo and view, History, The program I study, my comment to this school and also my university friends. The image, comment can take out from the pocket.

Taylor' University Lakeside Campus


This is the Zig-Zag Process.

Zig-Zag Process


Creative Thinking Skills

This is the cover page of Idea Journal. The words on the page actually using glue with the words " IDEA JOURNAL" and on it I pasted cotton that we normally use it.

Scroll down you can see the topic that I had learnt during my Creative Thinking Skills Tutorial Class.

Idea Journal: Welcome
Idea Journal: ProGallery_Widget

This is an introduction of myself. Left hand side, actually are those image that related to right side. The right side have 11 level of getting know myself.

Idea Journal: Quote
Idea Journal: Testimonial

The Background of the pictures I am using water colour to paint it and then i using rope and clip, clip the pictures. This look i n hanging my family's and friends' pictures.

Idea Journal: Quote



The idea of making this doodling is from the emoji that we can normally in our daily life. For examples, Wine, Doughnuts, Basketball, Clock, Pizza, Mushroom, Book, Bell, Piano, Calendar and etc.

Idea Journal: Inner_about

David Hockney


I am using China Top actress Fan Bing Bing in Met Gala 2015 pictures as my collages. I using different angle of the picture print it out and paste it and repeat with this step.



Draw Front view and Side view of your friend.

I drew my friend Diamond, Yap Pui Man, she is quite easy to draw because she has a beautiful face. 










How many faces can you see?

Waste materials

Using waste material to make faces. can you see how many faces inside the girl? it actually has 4. I used waste material like Dry Flower, Recycle paper, Cotton, Voucher from Domino and etc.

Idea Journal: Project

Mable Art

Light Pink, Light Blue, Gold, Red and Dark Blue.

The middle one is the only one that I successfully made it with Red, Dark Blue and Gold. Arround it I made light pink, light blue and gold too. To make it not that boring, i cut my mable art into small piece then just paste them together.


Idea Journal: OpeningHours

"Your job is to discover the world and then with all your heart give yourself to it"


Idea Journal: Quote

The End.

Idea Journal: Widget
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